Addiction is often viewed through the individual lens as an extremely personal challenge. What is often forgotten is the far-reaching impacts on the family members of those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol. Overcoming addiction takes a lot of time and effort, but the majority of individuals who successfully recover and maintain their sobriety are those with strong support networks around them. This makes the family recovery program invaluable. Participating in a family recovery program provides the opportunity to build those strong bonds of support and enable family members to better understand addiction. If you are considering enrollment in a family recovery program, here’s what you may expect:
What is a Family Recovery Program?
Family recovery programs encourage family members to play an active role in helping a loved one overcome an addiction. It also gives them a voice in the process and allows them to speak out. A dysfunctional household makes it extremely difficult to avoid relapses. Family members suffering from the turmoil of addiction often find family recovery programs to be incredibly useful in helping them to understand addiction, build strong relationships and actively help a loved one resist relapse triggers. The goal of professional family recovery therapists is to give families the tools they need to overcome the challenges, disappointment and frustration of the addiction.
What to Expect in a Family Recovery Program?
All family recovery programs have the same goals. The manner in which a professional may go about implementing a family recovery program may differ, depending on the clinic and particular needs of the individual. However, there are certain similarities between all family recovery programs.
Private Family Sessions With a Therapist
All sessions will be led by a therapist. Family dysfunction may not be the cause of addiction, but it can be. Therapists will help families to work through some of their conflicts and provide them with the tools necessary to establish suitable boundaries and resolve conflict peacefully and amicably. Sessions are private and are conducted in complete confidentiality. Family members will be in the same room together and are encouraged not just to speak but to listen. For many families that have undergone this type of therapy, it is often the first time in years they have been able to speak openly and honestly.
Take note, family recovery programs are not a substitute for family therapy. Sometimes therapists may suggest families enroll in formal family therapy programs in order to resolve particularly complex and traumatic issues. Private family sessions often utilize Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and its principles. Therapists help families to identify the negative thoughts and behaviors inherent within the family system. Over time, family therapy will focus on replacing those negative processes and transforming them into something positive.
12 Step Meetings For the Families of Recovering Addicts
12 Step meetings are often associated exclusively with recovering addicts themselves. These meetings are also provided for families, as many of the traumas shared by addicts are equally shared by their loved ones. 12 Step meetings focus on helping families to better understand addictions and to connect with others who may be suffering from similar issues. It is part of the process of creating a recovery community that together, provides love and support to recovering addicts.
Multidimensional Family Therapy Sessions
In recent years, addiction specialists have found tremendous success using multidimensional family therapy within an addiction recovery setting. Traditionally used to help teenagers who are recovering from substance abuse disorders, multidimensional family therapy aims to work with younger and older people. One of the primary goals of multidimensional family therapy is to help young people build strong, stable identities. This helps them to banish much of the confusion and frustration that stems from growing up in an environment of addiction. Parents also learn how to effectively communicate with younger people in a more positive way. This improves parent-child relationships through communication and respect.
A major emphasis on multidimensional family therapy is placed on setting limits and establishing boundaries. Some of the more common sources of anger and frustration come from a feeling that there is a lack of respect between two or more parties, with regards to boundaries. This type of therapy eliminates that framework of thought and allows parents to establish appropriate standards and expectations on the road to creating a healthy, sober and loving household.
Reach Out To A Knowledgeable Addiction Recovery Clinic Today
Conquering addiction is not only a personal matter, it is also a family matter. Creating a household filled with love and support dramatically increases the success of a recovering addict. It is not easy to uncover and address decades of familial conflict but doing so sets the stage for a bright future for every family member. Reach out to Aquila Recovery Clinic to find out more about family recovery and how it can help you and your loved ones.