Some experts estimate that approximately 600,000 people in the United States are weekly users of methamphetamine, more commonly known as “meth”. On
How Addictive is Methamphetamine?
Methamphetamine is a harmful recreational drug that can cause highly functional individuals to develop a serious addiction that harms their health and
What to Expect From Substance Abuse Group Therapy Activity
A substance abuse group therapy activitiy is a way for those who struggle to control their substance use to share their experiences and utilize the
What Are Some Substance Abuse Group Therapy Activities
Group therapy is an important part of substance abuse recovery. Every session is unique, but there are certain activities that you can expect before
Why Should Drug Addicts Go To Rehab Instead Of Jail
There are ongoing debates within politics and court systems as to whether or not drug addicts should be sent to jail or to a rehabilitation program.
What Happens in Drug Rehab?
Inpatient drug rehab involves individual and group therapy sessions, detoxification and learning effective strategies for relapse prevention. Most
What To Say To Someone In Drug Rehab
Words are powerful, and conversation is one of the most beneficial ways to help someone through the rehabilitation process while battling drug or
What To Expect From Alcohol Rehab
Overcoming an addiction to alcohol is a serious recovery and very difficult to do on your own. Most often, it requires assistance from addiction
What You Need To Know About A Drug Overdose
A drug overdose is a life-threatening event that requires immediate care from a medical professional. If you believe you or someone you know has