A substance abuse group therapy activitiy is a way for those who struggle to control their substance use to share their experiences and utilize the support and experiences of others to find successful coping mechanisms. This review discusses what you can expect from substance abuse treatment such as group therapy activities.
Common Exercises During A Substance Abuse Group Therapy Activity
Every group session is different. The counselor(s) tailor group therapy for substance abuse based on the needs of the group.
For example, a group session of all new members will look a lot different than a session with members who have experience with group therapy and know one another well.
Several expectations you can have when preparing for substance abuse group therapy include the introduction of all group members, a discussion about triggers, mental health and positive thinking and establishing attainable sobriety goals.
Introduction of All Group Members
The first thing group therapy counselors may do is have each member introduce themselves, including new and returning members of group therapy.
This provides an opportunity for every member to get to know one another and subsequently feel more comfortable throughout the session. If a member is on their last day, then they may also express their gratitude at the end of the meeting.
A Discussion of Triggers
The counselor may have the group describe their triggers that lead to substance use.
For those patients who may have not yet identified their triggers, this discussion gives them an opportunity to reflect on their behavioral patterns.
It also offers an opportunity for group members to learn from one another and find successful coping strategies as they form a relapse prevention plan that works.
A Discussion of Mental Health
Substance abuse recovery involves finding the underlying reasons for the substance use and dealing with the underlying concerns.
For many patients, substance abuse occurs or is made worse by mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, stress, etc.
The counselor may have a discussion about this so each member can see that they are not alone and find ways to deal with their mental health in a healthy way.
A Discussion of Gratitude
Individuals who struggle with substance abuse often lose sight of the great things going on in their lives.
From being thankful for the love of friends and family to showing gratitude for all of the progress one has made in recovery, showing gratitude for where you are in life and those around you is a great way to adopt a positive mindset that is crucial for overcoming substance use disorder.
Establishing Realistic and Attainable Goals
Goals give group members in substance abuse group therapy something to strive for. Setting realistic and attainable milestones is crucial. It is important to set goals that get you to where you want to be in various aspects of life.
This includes relationship goals with your friends, family and significant other, goals related to nutrition and fitness and, of course, goals related to your long-term sobriety.
How You Can Prepare for Your First Group Therapy Activity
You can prepare for your first substance abuse group therapy session by writing down your triggers and things you are thankful for before the visit and coming with a positive and open-minded attitude.
Write Down and Be Willing to Discuss Your Triggers
Most group therapy sessions consist of discussing triggers and coping mechanisms. One great way to prepare ahead of time is by simply making a list of triggers you have.
You can also jot down some successful coping mechanisms you have utilized in the past. This can help you when it is your time to share during group therapy.
Bring a Positive Mindset and Write Down Things You Are Thankful For
Many are surprised by the friendly environment of group therapy.
Try to calm any anxieties you have by coming with a positive mindset; one great way to do that is by focusing on the positive things in your life and making a list of the things you are thankful for. This may also come in handy during certain group therapy activities.
Come Ready to Participate, Listen and Learn From Others
Group therapy offers a way for others to learn from you and for you to learn from others. You can get the most out of group therapy by coming with a willingness to share and listen to others.
While you may not want to share everything in the first few sessions, being willing to share is helpful in meeting your long-term sobriety goals.
Learn More About Substance Abuse Group Therapy Activity From Aquila Recovery Clinic
Aquila Recovery Clinic offers substance abuse treatment, which includes individual and group therapy activities. If you or a loved one is battling substance abuse, contact us today to find out how our group therapy can help achieve sobriety and overall well-being.