How Did I Get Here?When you or a loved one is suffering from drug and alcohol addiction, often you will ask "Why did this happen?"
Why Can’t I Quit? Understanding Drug and Alcohol Addiction
It is easy to stop. Just don't pick up the bottle. Just don't lift the bottle to your mouth. Just don't go to the liquor store. Don't go to the same
Facing Addiction: Points from the Surgeon General’s Report on Addiction
Recently the Surgeon General of the United States released a report on Addiction in America titled, "Facing Addiction in America." This is an
HALT – Relapse Prevention Tool
Breaking free from addictive behavior is not an easy undertaking. When it comes to relapse prevention, many try repeatedly only to end up right back
How To Not Drink At Social Events
Throughout the course of an alcohol recovery journey, there will be situations that challenge even the most seasoned person in recovery. In the
Summer Binge Video Gaming
As summer is upon us so are hours of unscheduled time for our kids.It is rare these days to see a child without access to some form of technology.
How Addiction Affects Your Job
If you are wondering how addiction affects your job, Aquila has you covered. If you don't take action now, continued misuse of drugs and alcohol will
How To Break A Bad Habit
While most habits tend to be set it stone, there's always the opportunity to break them. Habits, especially bad habits, are able to be broken. It
When is it Time to Leave an Addicted Partner?
Loving, healthy relationships in and of themselves have ups and downs. Some of those down times can lead to separations, break-ups, and divorce.