The principles behind treating alcohol dependency have vastly improved and become varied over the past few years. Not judging the effectiveness of
How Do I Communicate With An Addicted Loved One?
When you realize that someone you love and care for is addicted to drugs or alcohol and you want to help, you can be faced with an uphill challenge.
How Do I Find the Courage to Say I Need Help For My Addiction?
There is no "easy part" for the person coming to grips with their own addiction to drugs or alcohol. This evolution usually starts out with waking up
I Know I Abuse My Prescription Meds, What Are My Treatment Options?
For those injured on the job or in an accident, prescription medication can be a godsend. They alleviate severe pain and suffering normally
Addressing Substance Use Disorders in Primary Care
Some people experiencing issues of addiction are excellent magicians. We hear stories of how people battling with addiction can hide it from their
What Happens After Residential Addiction Treatment?
A person who is successfully recovering from substance use disorders is aware that even though the initial inpatient or outpatient treatment is
What is Outpatient Addiction Therapy?
Once someone has decided take action to end their addiction, the next question invariably is how for some, even the question how long will it take. It
Alcohol Isn’t An Antidepressant
It's an all-too-common situation… Maybe after having a tough day at work someone decides to go out for a beer or cocktail just to unwind a little.
Alcohol – A Cancer Risk Hiding in Plain Sight
A new study linking cancer deaths and alcohol use demonstrates the strong link between addiction and primary care health – a core principle of Aquila