Once you've made the decision to cut back on your drinking or quit altogether, it's a good idea to share this decision with those closest people to
Why You Should Track Every Time You Want a Drink
Have you noticed that you're drinking more than you used to? Or at least more regularly? Is alcohol impacting your work, home or social life? Has
Easter Dinner: How to Avoid Drinking in Social Situations
You're on your road to recovery. You've spent time in an alcohol addiction treatment program and you've done the work to be on a path to a healthier,
Alcohol Screening: Are You Drinking Too Much?
Many people think that alcoholism and alcohol addiction are characterized by drinking heavily to the point of intoxication several times a week. It
How Do I Talk to My Child About Alcohol?
Have you had "the talk" with your kids yet? No, not the birds and the bees talk. The other one…about underage drinking. Most parents will tell you
Did The Idea Of Giving Up Alcohol For Lent Scare You?
Lent is a season in which many people pick a habit that they try to give up for 40 days…just in case that New Year's resolution didn't stick. Trying
Creativity, Mindfulness and Recovery
Living a full life in recovery from addiction can have many moving parts but the ability to be present in our moments, and pay attention to ourselves,
Are My Kids at Risk?
Parents always worry about their kids. How they will do in school, who their friends will be, what will they do for work when they grow up and will
Binge Drinking – Am I A Binge Drinker?
Many people do not feel that they have an alcohol use disorder because they only drink on weekends, or when they go out with friends. Those who hold