For anyone struggling with substance use disorder, the stress of the holidays can be overwhelming, but those diagnosed with co-occurring Seasonal
10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Co-Occurring Disorders
In the USA, nearly 6 in 10 individuals who struggle with substance use disorder also experience some other kind of mental health issue at the same
The Link Between Traumatic Childhood Experiences and Substance Use Disorder
Ever feel like your childhood experiences are still influencing the decisions you make today? Whether you're a social drinker looking to cut down, or
Their Substance Use Disorder is Affecting Your Family
You might not think that your loved one's substance use disorder is a family business, but their struggles are a complex battle that comes with very
How Can I De-Stress Without Drinking Alcohol?
Stressful situations are inevitable and real, so how do you keep your calm when you feel overwhelmed and more is being demanded of you than you can
Celebrating Recovery Milestones
Recovery Month is just around the corner and we at Aquila Recovery would like to encourage you to get involved and celebrate your recovery milestones.
Why Drinking Actually Makes You Feel More Stressed Out
If you pine for a cold one, a decanter, or one on the rocks after a busy day at the office, you're not alone. Modern professionals have increasing
The Role of Denial in Addiction Treatment
Denial. Most issues in life start with some sort of denial and if you want to make a change in your life you need to face the issue and stop denying
12 Tips For A Successful SMART Recovery
The road to recovery is not always smooth and relapses are not desirable, but they are a natural part of the addiction recovery process. Despite this,