For those who are suffering from substance abuse, and their loved ones, looking for ways to help them overcome addiction one method is participation
Looking Forward To Life Without Alcohol
A lifestyle that doesn’t include alcohol may feel impossible, particularly if you are used to attending social events where drinking is part of the
The Role of Gratitude in Recovery
There is a lot more to gratitude than it being something that you should practice simply because it’s a good thing. While in recovery, practicing
Expectations of Intensive Outpatient Programs
The control that addiction has over a person’s life can be overwhelming. Without proper treatment, recovery can be a challenging road; however,
Sober Activities You Can Enjoy Without Drinking
Alcohol may have taken center stage in your life before completing your treatment program but there are many fun activities that don’t involve
How To Help An Alcoholic Friend
It is difficult to watch an alcoholic friend or coworker struggling with their alcoholism when you can see the effects drinking takes on their life.
What Is Outpatient Drug-Free Treatment
Addiction to drugs and alcohol is a problem that is a part of today’s society. The Center on Addiction finds that 40 million Americans, which
How Does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Work?
Life challenges such as grief and stress are common throughout a person’s lifetime. We all have different ways of coping with such challenges, though
Is Drug Addiction The Same As Alcohol Addiction?
There is a common misperception that some addictions are more "serious" than others, that alcohol addiction isn't as serious as an addiction to