The good news about not drinking or drugging is that we have choices.
The bad news about being sober and clean is also that we have choices.
One day at a time, we can choose not to cloud reality by artificially changing our mood. We choose to live in the present. Hence, “one day at a time.”
Choosing to avoid old behavior, however, is a negative approach to a new life. The true and lasting rewards are in making better choices for positive outcomes – also one day at a time.
I recently marked thirty years on a recovery journey that includes choosing abstinence, but thankfully also included making positive choices.
I have learned that learning never stops. I am better off seeking teachers who help me grow than stalling until life forces new lessons on me.
I have learned to start each day in context, viewing myself as a partner in humanity, a worker among workers, and a person capable of being a friend.
I have learned that teachers are always in my life. I just never stayed on the lookout for them.
I have learned that the best way to stay positive is to be available to someone else – to assist, teach, or just be present.
I have learned that God, as I understand him, is my companion and coach on my journey, not my judge at the end of the road.
Mostly, I have learned to make choices – confident that even mistakes turn out in my benefit.